Thursday, August 4, 2011

Could Marriage Counseling Save Your Life? | Home-Family-Parenting Blog

The link between an unhappy marriage and physical health is something that is just beginning to be understood by professionals studying this field. If you are in a difficult relationship with your partner and suffering physical ailments, it might be a marriage counselor you need to see instead of the family doctor.

A three-year study, conducted by the Women?s Studies Resource Centre at Brandeis University evaluated men and women who were in unhappy unions. They looked for signs of physical ailments and other factors that would contribute to a decline in health. Researchers conducted stress tests on the patients, and one of the findings showed higher-than-normal cortisol levels.

The hormone, cortisol, is aptly nicknamed the ?stress? hormone. When the body is stressed or in an anxious situation, the adrenal gland releases the hormone to help deal with the effects of this stress. In short-term situations, cortisol is a good thing, but if cortisol is high for extended periods of time, the body can suffer long-term damage, such as heart disease, stroke or high blood pressure.

When it comes to committed relationships, the problems that might be contributing to the unhappiness and high stress levels can range from basic communication issues to highly complex issues that were brought into the relationship; such as child abuse. Seeking out a good marriage counselor can go a long way to healing the problems that a marriage might be suffering. The physical problems that you might be feeling could also resolve themselves with marriage counseling.

As human beings, we are social creatures and invest a lot into our intimate relationships. It is no wonder that we can be affected to such deep levels as physical health when things are not going well in those unions. Marriage counseling might be your key to an overall better state of health for you and your spouse.

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