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As young adults, we?re inundated with books, magazines and courses to further our careers and manage our finances. You can?t jump on social media without seeing a link to a new article or resource to check out.
Add that to the difficulty of trying to balance spending and saving, and you?ve got a recipe for financial disaster. It gets overwhelming fast!
While growing my own financial blog, I?ve made it one of my goals to filter through all that noise and focus on the blogs that really help me and my readers reach our goals. The result is this list of must-read sites that will help you organize your financial life and make sense of your money in the working world:
We make huge life decisions every day and are forced to juggle many things at once. Sometimes the financial aspect of it all is both scary and thrilling. Thankfully, David teaches you everything you need to know about saving money, increasing your income, handling debt and finding the right career for you!
Young, Cheap Living has everything you need to get ahead and stay ahead with your money?all without ever falling back on debt. Teaching new ideas about money, Kraig shows through his own finances how to live cheaply, reach your financial goals and stop relying on debt so you can do what you really want with your life.
This blog is the anti-penny-pinching blog. It?s all about tips and strategies to make your money management fit your lifestyle. Geared for Generation Y, Moneylicious has topics on everything from careers to the psychology of money, all filled with humor. Ornella also wrote a book to help give Gen Y a financial clue.
?Let?s see what happens? is NOT a good financial strategy. But, sadly, it?s how many people coming out of high school or college?with zero money and mountains of debt?tend to think. Kevin entertainingly teaches the average 20-something to be a Thousandaire now, so they can grow to be a millionaire later.
Jeffrey is all about challenging his readers to consider less traditional ways to deal with money and finances. Through his personal story of quitting his job to follow his passion, he provides sound strategies and advice to create your life on your terms. If you?re ready to be self-employed, live the dream and improve your financial life, this is the place to start.
The Debt Movement is a project started with inspiration from Jeff?s dad, who struggled with debt his entire life and was always a slave to lenders. Jeff started this campaign to give people (young adults in particular) the tools and resources to succeed. This movement is all about ?working together to pay down $10 million of debt in 90 days.?
Originally started by J.D. Roth, this site is geared towards all aspects of personal finance. What really sets it apart is that you can add your own voice through the ?Ask the Readers? section. You?ll get answers to specific finance questions and advice from experienced members of the community.
J. Money is open and upfront about his money and net worth?that?s partly why Budgets Are Sexy is known as an ?edgy? financial blog. Sparking motivation, spreading ideas, learning and growing as you go, J. definitely shows that budgets can be sexy!
The best course of action when it comes to the path of financial freedom is the common sense you already possess. David helps young people struggling to become debt-free change their perception of how financial decisions affect their lives. This blog covers everything from investing to the job market to frugal living.
?Ninja,? the alias behind Punch Debt in the Face, is freaking hilarious. Grammar mistakes, stick figure artwork, personal stories, bad spelling, lame jokes. What more could you ask for in a finance blog? Ninja draws you in with his personal money journey, making you want to read more and learn that finances are FAR from boring.
Wanna be a rock star? Then Shannyn?s story will not only inspire you to take control of your life, but empower you to think outside the small box that being broke might have put you in. Being a broke grad student herself, she shares awesome tips for getting the most bang for your buck while still looking fabulously beautiful.
12. PT Money (Phil Taylor)
When you?re a young adult, you want to know how to make more money and stay on top (or eliminate) all of your debt. PT Money covers all those topics, along with tips for buying your first house, keeping a positive net worth and spending your money wisely.
More focused on the wealth-building aspect of finances for young people, this blog offers steps for starting a budget, how and where to start investing and increasing income, as well as creating personal and financial success.
Not exactly a financial site (though it does have a money section), The Daily Muse is more a resource for living the good life?yet it?s full of advice for young adults to learn about money, technology, health and even how to land your dream job. This one-stop spot truly has it all.
What?s on your list of favorite personal finance blogs?
Carrie Smith is a financial strategist who empowers freelancers and entrepreneurs to change their lives through her blog Careful Cents. Find her on Twitter @carefulcents.
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