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My husband is in the Army Reserves, a term many people do not understand. Being in the Reserves means your full time job is not the Army. A person in the reserves has a regular job but then goes on ?drill? one weekend a month, and two weeks of the year for training. What I have found however, since being with Chris (we married in 1999) is that the one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year is a joke. He spends way more time doing Army stuff, especially since Sept 11.
Since Sept 11 Chris has been on Active Duty 3 times. So in 10 years, Chris has spent 3 entire years on Active Duty. Away from his family, friends, his life and his civilian job. The effects are many. The time away affects marriage, relationships with children, relationships with friends and career.
Before I go any further I want to state up front that I am sharing MY own experience as an ?Army Wife.? All spouses of military members have different experiences. All marriages are different so the ability to handle the separation depends on the relationship of the two people. Please do not take my thoughts as a blanket definition of being an Army Wife.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. Each time Chris has been deployed our life has been affected in many different ways and we always seem to come out better in the long run. Chris loves the Army. He loves the USA. He is proud to serve his country and feels like he is at his best when he is serving. I believe the Army has shaped who he is as a person, and I therefore appreciate the Army for making my husband a man of honor.
I like being a supportive wife. Sometimes its harder to be supportive than others. I often wonder what is harder ? being the one who has to go away and be put in harms way, or being the one left behind trying to hold our life together and being strong in front of the kids.
Two of Chris? deployments were not in combat zones. I will be honest, there is resentment on my part. Chris is off at Oktoberfest in Germany and I am left at home to make sure the kids are taken care of, the bills are paid, the house isn?t falling down, and unable to leave or go do anything unless I find someone to care for the kids. When I am sick or the kids are sick, it is difficult to not have a partner there.
Then I flip back to feeling as though I?d much rather be here and have the kids with me than to travel the world and not be able to hug the kids every day.
After 12 years of marriage, 3 deployments, and 2 kids we are coming to an end of our Army Reserve career. As much as it is Chris who has the rank and goes away, I feel like being an Army Reservist is a whole family commitment. Chris could not maintain life without me hanging back (both personally and professionally), staying committed to him, and managing the family.
So in less than 2 years, he will hang up his boots and we will finally get 4 weekends a month to have family time, to keep up with projects, manage sports, and basically everything. Up to now it has always seemed like there is never enough time to get things done. Is there ever really time to get it all done?
We were lucky enough that by the time Sept 11 occured, Chris was a Captain and on his way to Major. He was a high enough rank that he could actually control some of the things that happened while he was on active duty. When he was in Iraq he was able to call me every single day. I was fortunate to talk to him daily and know that he was alive. Some are not as lucky and do not get to contact their family as often. I know if he could not have called, my anxiety would have been MUCH worse.
I look at the paper every day and I see the names of the soldiers who have died, most of them young, enlisted kids. They are someone?s son or daughter, but also a husband, wife, mother or father. And I know some that have died are survived by grandparents and great grandparents. Our society today doesn?t always ?get it? that we are a nation at war. People of honor and integrity are freely giving their time and for some, their lives to protect us. And in many cases these young people are not getting the support they deserve.
No matter what my challenges have been, I think its important for everyone to understand that there are a lot of soldiers who return home and have a very hard time acclimating back into real life. Many are becoming suicidal and have PTSD. They don?t always feel comfortable enough to get help. Some die because they didn?t have the ?strength? to ask for help.
Many service men and women see asking for help or going to a counselor as a sign of weakness, or even something that will hurt their career because they must report to the military that they go to counseling. For a time, that was absolutely true and in some people?s mind, it still is. However, I believe the Military as a whole is recognizing the high numbers of suicides and are trying to not only support but also promote seeking help when needed.
I work in the social service field so I know enough to have helped Chris upon his return home. We went through a period of him jumping out of bed and running into walls at any bump in the night. I was able to recognize what was happening and talk him down and remind him he was safe at home. His stopped in less than 6 months. Those who do not have spouses with social service knowledge may not know what to do or may not understand. That is why it is so important as a spouse to recognize the need and encourage getting help if needed.
I have learned many things being an Army wife.
I have learned that I am much stronger than I ever thought. Each time he goes away I get stronger.
I have learned that I am happier when he is home and life is certainly less stressful.
I have learned to appreciate simply being able to go to a movie with the whole family OR being able to go to a Rated R movie with a good friends while Chris takes care of the kids.
I have learned that it is OK for me to go away and leave him with the kids for a weekend, but I really wouldn?t want to go away for too much longer without seeing my kids.
I have learned that my house, specifically the kitchen island, is a lot cleaner when he is gone. But I would much rather live with a cluttered kitchen island than have him go away for another year!
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THURSDAY, July 28 (HealthDay News) -- Children raised on livestock farms are at significantly greater risk of developing blood cancers -- such as leukemia, multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma -- later in life, a new study contends.
The researchers pointed out that further studies will be needed before a definitive cause and effect can be established, but they suggested that exposure to particular viruses during childhood may modify the immune system response and result in a higher risk for blood cancer in adulthood.
In conducting the study, published in the July 28 online edition of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, researchers compiled information from 114,000 death certificates for people between 35 and 85 years of age who died between 1998 and 2003 in New Zealand.
The study found that over the five-year period, more than 3,000 deaths were attributed to blood cancers. Moreover, the researchers revealed that growing up on a livestock farm was linked to a higher risk. They noted, however, that people who were raised on farms with crops were not more likely to develop blood cancer.
Overall, the risk of developing a blood cancer was 22 percent higher for those who grew up on a livestock farm than those who did not, according to Andrea 't Mannetje, of the Centre for Public Health Research at Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand, and colleagues.
Being raised on a poultry farm carried the greatest risk, the researchers noted. Those who had spent their childhood living on a poultry farm were three times more likely to develop a blood cancer than others.
On the flip side, growing up on a crop farm came with a nearly 20 percent lower risk of developing blood cancer, the investigators found.
More information
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides more information on blood cancers.
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Being the sometimes oddball site they are, the gang over at Kotaku has been intrigued by cats that barf within The Sims 3 Pets.? I don?t know about you, but I?d take virtual cat-puke over real cat-puke any day?ugh, I hate having to clean it up when a cat freshly throws up?it?s all warm, gooey and chunky? *barfs*
?Last week, at a showcase event for game publisher EA, I found a Sims 3 Pets producer and he had some answers for me.
The cat might vomit due to ?random hairballs.?
OK. That?s reasonable, though I wasn?t able to get the Pets guy to tell me what the game?s hairball algorithm is (yet). Apparently cats that are prissy and groom themselves a lot will have a greater chance of getting a hairball. Concerned about their looks, they?ll risk feeling compelled to throw up more.
Another reason for a cat to throw up in the game: If they eat old, nasty food, they might lose it. That?s reasonable!
And another: ?It can be disgusted by horses peeing in the pasture.?
continue reading
Thank you The Sims Hub for linking us to this
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Laguna Beach murder investigation of Damon L. Nicholson continues with more leads and reward
Laguna Beach murder investigation of Damon L. Nicholson continues with more leads and reward
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Home Page > News and Society > Laguna Beach murder investigation of Damon L. Nicholson continues with more leads and reward
Laguna Beach murder investigation of Damon L. Nicholson continues with more leads and reward
Posted: Nov 09, 2009 |Comments: 0
| Views: 1,108 |
Laguna Beach ? The murder investigation of Damon L. Nicholson continues. More leads and the reward are the latest developments.
When Nicholson did not show up for work at the Hotel Laguna on Oct. 23, a female co-worker went to the 41-year-old?s duplex in the 200 block of Dolphin Way. When no one answered the door, the co-worker entered through an open sliding glass door and discovered the gruesome, bludgeoned and bloody body sprawled out on the sofa. Police indicated that there were no signs of forced entry, leading investigators to conclude that the victim may have invited the killer or killers inside or the killer was someone he knew well. Police do not believe this was a random murder.
Investigators methodically examined the crime scene and forensic evidence was obtained. Police say Nicholson, who lived alone, was hit several times in his torso and head with a heavy blunt object, and that no murder weapon was found at the home. They believe he was beaten to death sometime between the evening of Oct. 22, a Thursday, and Friday morning of the 23rd.
Laguna Beach Homicide Detectives immediately began conducting a routine background check of Nicholson and many of his friends and co-workers. Police also have interviewed friends, co-workers and neighbors of the deceased in an effort to establish motives for the killing and in the hopes of obtaining more important information about the murder.
Cohorts have told investigators that Nicholson was very active in gay relationships and may have been lured to his apt. by the killer or killers. We have interviewed ?many, many people,? in the past two weeks, said Sgt. Louise Callus, including some who were romantically involved with the victim. ?He dated a lot,? she said.
Investigators are pursuing the possibility that Nicholson may have invited his assailant into his home, and that assailant he may have met in a gay bar or another place where gay men meet to pick up other men. Nicholson could have become a victim of what has become known as ?pickup? murders and due to the violent multiple head and torso wounds indicate the ?overkill phenomenon? which may be in play here. The overkill phenomenon is often associated with homophobic murders. In view of this information the key question then is whether this murder is being investigated as an anti-gay hate crime? For if it is the FBI could be brought into the investigation.
President Obama made history recently when he signed into law legislation authorizing the federal government to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of violent hate crimes that target victims because of their sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability.
The legislation bears the name of gay University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, whose 1998 gruesome murder became one of the nation?s most widely reported hate crimes.
In the Nicholson case new leads are beginning to surface, according to sources the police believe that a lap top and cell phone was taken from the Nicholson home and it is reported that his cell phone was find in a near by dumpster, and is being tested for finger prints and that those phone numbers in the phone and communications are all being run down to see what roll if any they may play in this homicide investigation.
The embezzlement arrest of a Hotel Laguna?s long time employee, also maybe figuring in another tantalizing lead that could be a motive for the killing. It surfaced last Friday in what was claimed an anonymous call to a local news out let. They reported that a female caller suggested revenge was a possible motive in the killing of Nicholson, who had boasted to her about uncovering a 0,000 embezzlement plot at Hotel Laguna last October that led to the arrest and firing of longtime employee Cydney Ann Ruano, 50, of Laguna Niguel. The report indicates that Ruano is scheduled to appear in Newport Beach?s Harbor Justice Center on Nov. 10 for a pre-trial hearing in the theft by embezzlement case. A complaint filed by the district attorney on Aug. 4 says the alleged embezzlement occurred over several years.
The Laguna Journal contacted the DA?s office and asked if Nicholson had been the star witness in the case and the DA?s office refused to confirm one way or the other. Callus discounted the caller?s supposition. ?Damon was never interviewed during the embezzlement investigation. His name never was brought up,? she said.
The complaint describes Ruano as a ?clerk, agent and servant of Hotel Laguna.?
Proprietor? Claes Andersen of Hotel Laguna Friday suddenly offered a ,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer of his catering and events manager of 15 years. Andersen, offered the reward to help identify and convict the killer of Damon Nicholson, said Laguna Beach Police Lt. Jason Kravetz. According to friends the reward is expected to grow.
Ruano, who was fired last October, was a very good friend of Nicholson, said Andersen, who claimed he was the one who discovered the Ruano alleged embezzlement scheme.
Andersen, also told the media he offered a reward to serve as an investigative catalyst. ?Unfortunately, money talks,? said Andersen, who hopes a reward will prove irresistible to someone who has so far hesitated to divulge information about the killer.
Police believe that rewards can be successful lures. ?They sure are. Sometimes money can entice people to come forward with information,? said Lt. Jason Kravetz. ?On other occasions, people who have critical information feel that coming forward is the right thing to do, regardless of the reward money.?
Andersen?s reward is based upon police receiving information that leads to the identity, prosecution and conviction of the murderer.?
Narciso P. Leggs Jr. a Laguna Beach Businessman who owned and operated a limo service was a victim of both a ?pickup? murder and the ?overkill phenomenon?.
Leggs, a gay man, was tortured and murdered by Gregory Michael Pisarcik. Pisarcik, according to court documents, was looking for a gay man to rob when he met Leggs. Upon capture, Pisarcik confessed the murder to police and asked not to be put in a cell with another man because he hated ?fags.?
?Gregory Michael Pisarcik
At the time of his murder, Leggs, 53, was retired from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, where he had worked for 22 years. He lived in a converted garage apartment in an unincorporated area between Tustin and Santa Ana. Neighbors often saw Leggs polishing his two prized automobiles ? a white Lincoln Town Car and a mauve Rolls-Royce.
Leggs and Pisarcik met at Laguna Beach and went back to Leggs? apartment, stopping to buy vodka along the way, according to court documents.
According to prosecutors, court records and person?s close to the investigation Pisarcik at Legg?s apartment grabbed an unopened bottle of champagne and started bashing Leggs? head in. At some point he tied Leggs up. He asked where Leggs kept his money, rummaging the apartment between blows with the champagne bottle.
Pisarcik attempted to strangle Leggs, hog-tied and mutilated his body and wrote ?FAGS DIE? on his back in black marker. With a pair of scissors, he cut off both of Leggs? ears. Pisarcik then stomped on Leggs? testicles, urinated on him, and shoved a large flashlight deep into Leggs? rectum.? He also cut off Leggs?s penis and stuffed it into the victim mouth. Forensic evidence (including blood on the refrigerator) later showed that Pisarcik stopped to eat Leggs? food, and also took a shower before he left. Finding less than , Pisarcik took Leggs? two guns ? a .45-caliber and a .357 magnum ? and drove off in Leggs? white Lincoln Town Car. Before leaving, Pisarcik sat on a bed, over Leggs? corpse, cleaning the guns he would take with him.
While police said they believed robbery was the motive in Leggs? murder, they also said that Pisarcik had been involved in the robbery of gay men. The convicting jury found the defendant Pisarcik guilty of murder and was sentenced to life in prison and jury determined that his actions was a hate crime.
In custody, Pisarcik told detectives that he hated homosexuals and admitted he?d gone to Legg?s apartment to rob him. While he was being transported to the Orange County Jail, he told a deputy: ?Don?t put me in with the homos. I?m not a homo. That?s why I killed him. I?m not a homo.?
Leggs? body was found on June 29, 2002, when his landlord called the police after not seeing his tenant for two days.
An autopsy later revealed that Leggs died from blunt-force trauma to the head believed similar to Nicholson.
In a Washington DC Blade investigation a few years back looked into the murders of 25 gay men in the D.C. metro area over a five-year period and found, in retrospect, that many of the slayings had similarities to the Shepard case, although none were officially listed as hate crimes.
At the time of the Blade investigation, police made arrests in only seven of the 25 cases. Looking back at subsequent editions of the Blade, no reports could be found to show arrests had been made in the other 18 cases.
Similar to the Shepard case, nearly all of the 25 gay male victims studied in the Blade investigation were believed to have met their attacker at a bar ? usually a gay bar. Investigators believe the killers in most of the D.C. area cases tricked their victims into thinking they were interested in having a sexual encounter, with the intent of luring the victim to a place where they could rob or murder him.
There were no gay bars in Laramie when Matthew Shepard was killed. Evidence that surfaced in the Shepard case shows that the two men charged with his murder ? Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson ? befriended Shepard in a mainstream bar in Laramie and offered to drive him home.
McKinney and Henderson?s girlfriends later told police the two young men confided in them that they targeted Shepard for a robbery and plotted to give him the impression they were gay as a means of luring him out of the bar.
Instead of driving him home, they drove him to a remote field and tied him to a wooden rail fence, where McKinney struck him in the head multiple times with the barrel of a large pistol, inflicting devastating facial and brain injuries that led to Shepard?s death.
In the D.C. area murders reviewed in the Blade investigation, nearly all of the victims were found dead inside their homes. While the Shepard murder took place in a remote field rather than in Shepard?s Laramie apartment, the multiple head wounds he suffered were similar to 16 of the 25 gay murders reviewed in the Blade investigation. Police said the victims suffered multiple wounds in what they described as a pattern known as ?overkill.?
Some of the victims in the D.C. cases were struck in the head with heavy objects multiple times, like in Shepard?s case, while others suffered multiple knife or gunshot wounds. Five of the 25 victims who were not subjected to multiple wounds died by strangulation, police reports showed.
The 25 cases reviewed by the Blade were typical of gay ?pickup? murders that have occurred in the D.C. area and other parts of the country such as Laguna.
Sharon Stapel, executive director of the New York Anti-Violence Project, which monitors anti-LGBT hate crimes, and Chris Farris, co-chair of the D.C. group Gays & Lesbians Opposing Violence, each said the so-called gay ?pick-up? murders have elements of hate violence.
The two said that while the perpetrators in many of these murders were targeting gay men in what police call a crime of opportunity, the underlying motive clearly is based on antipathy toward gays.
?We think they view gay men, at least in some instances, as an easy target because they perceive them as weak and vulnerable,? Farris said.
Farris and Stapel said that while robbery may be one of the motives of a pickup murder, the recurring pattern of ?overkill? leads those to believe an element of hate is also present.
?We have seen that pattern for years,? Stapel said. ?The method of meeting has evolved from the bars to the Internet. But the motive seems to be the same.?
?We think these should be considered hate crimes, even though it?s unclear whether all existing state hate crimes laws could cover these cases,? she said.
It hasn?t let up. In Alabama, Billy Jack Gaither was battered with an ax handle, thrown on a pile of old tires soaked with kerosene, and ignited. Two suspects in the case confessed that they had plotted for two weeks to kill Gaither after he allegedly made unwanted sexual advances toward one of them.
The severed head of Henry Northington was found on a footbridge heading into a Richmond, Virginia, park that is a popular gathering place for gays. The rest of the body of this gay homeless man was found a half-mile away. To date, no one has been charged with the murder.
In rural Georgia, a transvestite stumbled up to a farm house before losing consciousness, bleeding profusely from head wounds. He?d been beaten with a baseball bat along a country road. He died a few hours later.
All these murders have occurred since Matthew Shepard was pistol whipped and crucified on a jackleg fence in Wyoming. The trial of the first of Shepard?s accused murderers was cut short when Russell Henderson pleaded guilty and received two consecutive life sentences.
The courts have not always seen fit to hand down stiff sentences for those who murdered sexual minorities. In an ironic twist to another hate crime story, the father of John William King, the man sentenced to death for his part in the horrific dragging death of a black man in Jasper, Texas, recalled another murder case with a different outcome. According to the elder King, 60 years ago his brother admitted killing a gay man. The brother?s attorney argued that the murder was justified because of the gay man?s ?unnatural advances.? King?s brother was acquitted after only 29 minutes on August 22, 1939. The crowd cheered when the verdict was announced. ?It was a hate crime, too,? said the elder King recently in an interview with the Houston Chronicle.
In addition to offering the reward for Nicholson?s killer, Hotel Laguna is organizing a memorial service.
Separately, a memorial service for Nicholson was set for 5:30 p.m. next Friday, Nov. 13, at Tivoli Terrace, 650 Laguna Canyon Road.
People who knew Damon are planning various tributes.
Tammy Hileman, is also working with Nicholson?s family to tie up loose ends since his death. She set up a fund through Bank of the West to accept donations that will go to helping the family pay for expenses. Any leftover money will be added to the reward money offered by Hotel Laguna she said or donated to create a scholarship at Cypress College. Hileman met Nicholson about four years ago in the college?s photography program.
?He loved photography,? she said.
Already, Nicholson?s clothing and furniture have been donated to charities, she added.
?That?s what he would have liked,? Hileman said.
The family would prefer donations instead of flowers, she said. Checks may be made out to Tammy S. Hileman/ FBO Damon L. Nicholson Memorial Fund and mailed to 11652 Fredrick Drive, Garden Grove, CA 92840.
For more information about the fund, e-mail Hileman at .
Authorities believe this to be the seaside town?s first murder since 2002.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Laguna Beach Police Det. Debra Kelso at (949) 497-0371.
For related articles Google:?Laguna Beach-The food catering and wedding coordinator at Hotel Laguna was found murdered in his home.? Neighbors and co-workers are being interviewed, anyone with information regarding this homicide is being urged to call the Investigations Division at (949) 497-0371 (Detective Debra Kelso)?
Also Google: ?Orange County News ? The Killer Laughed? ?
Dec 1, 2005 ? penniless drifter, thug and thief with a 0-a-day methamphetamine habit who murdered Narciso P. Leggs Jr. during a June 2002 robbery. ?
Friends and associates of Mr. Nicholson
Blade News
Laguna Beach Police Dept.
Orange County Sheriff Dept.
Laguna Beach Independent?
Coastline Pilot
Michael Webster?s Syndicated Investigative Reports are read worldwide,?in 100 or more U.S. outlets and in at least 136 countries and territories. He publishes articles in association with global news agencies and media information services with more than 350 news affiliates in 136 countries. Many of Mr. Webster?s articles are printed in six working languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. With ten more languages planed in the near future.
Mr. Webster is America?s leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding. He served as a trustee on some of the nation?s largest trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Business Consultant, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Mr. Webster represented management on that side of the table as the former Director of Federated of Nevada. Mr. Webster publishes on-line newspapers at ?and ?and does investigative reports for print, electronic and on-line News Agencies. All of Mr. Webster?s articles, books/CD?s can be read or downloaded free.
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About the Author:
America?s leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding. A trustee on some of the nations largest trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Business Consultant, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Investigative Reporter for print, electronic and on-line News Agencies.
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Article Tags:
laguna beach, murder, gay, homicide, damon l nicholson, claes andersen, embezzlement, hotel laguna, hate crime, sgt louise callus, overkill phenomenon, pickup murders, homophobic, anti gay, president obama, fbi, cell phone, cydney ann ruano
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Aug 06, 2010
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America?s leading authority on Venture Capital/Equity Funding. A trustee on some of the nations largest trade Union funds. A noted Author, Lecturer, Educator, Emergency Manager, Counter-Terrorist, War on Drugs and War on Terrorist Specialist, Business Consultant, Newspaper Publisher. Radio News caster. Labor Law generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Investigative Reporter for print, electronic and on-line News Agencies.
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Strategic planning can be either a boon or a bust for an organization. Many people bring ?baggage? to the process. Some people have had terrible experiences. They vehemently oppose committing time and other resources to it. Others yawn, glaze over and are completely skeptical that the process can produce any measurable results. Others enthusiastically embrace the process and produce extraordinary results.
What makes a strategic planning project successful? How can you get the most out of the time and money invested in the project? The following points address key factors that will help you take action to plan and implement a successful strategic planning project.
1. Invest time in ?planning to plan.?
2. Gain an understanding of the key elements of the process and the facilitator?s style. A comprehensive strategic planning project should include:
3. Conduct the strategic planning activities.
4. Implement the action plan.
5. Review, re-evaluate and revise.
Strategic planning provides your organization with the foundation for sustainable growth. It helps you know where you want the organization to go and when you have achieved your goals. Strategic planning not only helps you manage change, but profit from change. It increases your control over those forces that affect you and helps you to respond more effectively to those forces that you cannot control. During these uncertain times, a successfully implemented strategic planning process can be the ?guiding light? that helps employees and management manage and prosper from change.
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Females suffering from ovarian cysts are typically asked to get their ovaries removed. Soon after the removal of one ovary, fertility issues begin to worry ladies. One is worried getting pregnant with one ovary could not be possible. Nonetheless, there?s no should get frustrated or worried. If you too are wondering can you conceive with one ovary, then find some answers related to your confusion in this Buzzle article.
What Happens Throughout Ovulation?
Every month, one with the two ovaries releases an egg. Ovaries on either side with the fallopian tube, take turns to ovulate. So you cannot exactly say which ovary will release an egg in which month. This egg is caught by the fallopian tube on exactly the same side with the ovary. The egg travels down the fallopian tube and waits there for a sperm. If fertilization occurs, the fallopian tube helps the fertilized egg travel down to the uterus for attachment. Thus, the embryo will make home within the uterus for the next 9 months. If fertilization does not occur, the egg will likely be discarded along using the endometrial lining. This leads to monthly menstrual cycle. If a woman menstruates on regular basis, it indicates she has no troubles ovulating and can simply get pregnant.
However, females who suffer from irregular periods or have a quite short ovulation period, may possibly have issues conceiving. If the physician observes cysts in one with the ovaries and they might suggest removal of one ovary. Right after this surgery, a woman is not sure if she can conceive. She might even doubt she might no longer be ovulation. Let us find out if getting pregnant with one ovary is possible.
One Ovary and Pregnancy?
Yes, it?s quite much possible to conceive with one ovary. You will find two ovaries, each one containing eggs. As mentioned above they take turns to release an egg every month. Thus, even if you have one ovary, it truly is really much possible to get pregnant. Your chances are high as long as the fallopian tube that leads the egg to the womb is on exactly the same side as the ovary present. The single ovary will release an egg every month as well as the intact fallopian tube on exactly the same side will catch the egg released. This helps you conceive, if you happen to have an intercourse.
Women who have just one ovary and one fallopian tube, too have equal chances of getting pregnant as compared to females with both their reproductive organs intact. Nonetheless, this statement is true only when the remaining fallopian tube and ovary are on exactly the same side.
Women with one ovary are encouraged to attempt for natural pregnancy as they have a good chance of conceiving. They are advised to have unprotected sex for at least 15 months right after removal of one ovary. If it does not result in pregnancy, both partners are advised to undergo a pregnancy test. Also, girls with one ovary having irregular periods, must consult a fertility expert. If the fallopian tube is scarred, it?s going to reduce the chances of fertilization. One will must undergo artificial fertilization methods to conceive a baby, in this case.
Can you conceive with one ovary is really a question that has a positive reply, that is, YES. Nonetheless, chances are high only if the fallopian tube and ovary lie on exactly the same side. If not, one needs to seek consultation for getting pregnant. Do not worry if both your ovary and fallopian tube are on exactly the same side. Attempt conceiving with your partner for the next 15 months. You will surely be able to get pregnant without any issues. If not, do not despair. You can always seek aid of an in vitro fertilization treatment or artificial insemination procedure to have a baby.
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Nikon has created a routine of making wonderful and very appealing entry level DSLRs which are the best and specifically designed so that they are simple to operate and fun to shoot with. One of the many models available in the world today is the newly developed Nikon 3100D model. It is created around a 14.2 megapixel CMOS sensor, bringing not only real time photos but also records a full HD video. As a matter of fact, it is the first among the entry level of Nikon DSLRs to capture a 1920?1080 movie recording. Due to a limited 4 GB maximum file size, it can only capture a movie clip up to about ten minutes long.
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July 26, 2011 English
Anyone handling food and drink within the food industry must be trained in Food Safety and Hygiene and apply it to their work.
The courses are aimed at anyone working in food industry whether employed or self employed, working in restaurants, hotels, fast food outlets, takeaways, cafes, bars, kitchens, catering in hospitals, schools and colleges. It allows every catering business, regardless of size, to provide all staff with first class training at a fraction of the cost and disruption of classroom based training.
The courses can be used either as Induction, Awareness, Refresher and Foundation Training.
Upon completion of the courses students will have an understanding of a wide range of key food safety issues, including the three main types of food safety hazard, their sources and methods of control.
The sections covered include:
Food Safety Training Level 1:
Food Safety Training Course level 1 part 1 outlines what all employees must be able to demonstrate before they start handling food in your premises.
Food Safety Training Level 2:
Food Safety Training Course level 2 outlines what all employees must be able to demonstrate within 3-6 months of starting to work.
The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked 40 ? 55 (depending on the type of the course) multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 60%.
When you have successfully completed your course and attained the 60% required test pass, you will receive a certificate. The certificate should be displayed to show appropriate training has taken place.
Approximately 6-8 hours to complete (depending on learning speed). This can be spread out over multiple sessions or completed in a single session. There is no time limit for completion. The system will record your progress throughout.
Food Safety, Online Training Courses,
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In the market for computers Mac is definitely one of the leading brands. Many computer users have chosen to go with the brand mainly because of the benefits of its backlit keyboards and WiFi access technology. Recently a friend acquired the mac computer system and it came with a high tech keyboard and a sprint overdrive which could be used to access the internet. At first it was not clear how the wep key could be accessed and this meant that WiFi access was impossible to achieve. Normally other computers will have their wep keys engraved on the back of the computer or simply stuck on with an adhesive label. With the mac computers this was not the case and so my friend had to consult a find wep key sprint overdrive assistant. This came in the form of a guide that was part of the purchased mac computer. From the guide it was discovered that the wep key in mac computers was actually placed in an in-built screen instead of being stuck on the back of the computer. The advantage of this is that there is no need to memorise the long wep key or to keep writing it down every time that WiFi access is needed. Something else that could not be understood at first was how the keyboard could be illuminated. Just as with the first problem, there was a can macbook keys illuminate guide which gave instructions on how to operate the backlights. With the mac computers it is simple to turn on the backlights on the keyboard by simply manipulating some of the function keys. To light the keyboard the F9 key is pressed and to turn it off the F8 key is pressed.
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Here?s a list on the most normal prescribed medications for high blood pressure. More frequently, two or additional drugs are required for far better final results. It?s referred to as drug-combinations, and is commonly prescribed by the physician to treat moderate to severe instances of high blood pressure.
1. Diuretics for High Blood Pressure
Diuretics are also called ?water pills?, given that these drugs avoid water retention. Diuretics function inside the kidneys and flushing out the excess sodium and water inside the body to become excreted.
2. Beta-Blockers for High Blood Pressure
Beta-blockers help reduce the impulses of the nerve to the blood vessels and to the heart, thus making the heart beating slowly and with lesser force than before. This will make the blood pressure levels drop and the heart will work less.
3. ACE Inhibitors for High Blood Pressure
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors can avert the formation of angiotensin II hormone which is responsible for the narrowing with the blood vessels. ACE inhibitors medications can lead to the blood vessels to take it easy thus dilating its core and also the blood pressure ranges then go down.
4. Angiotensin antagonists for High Blood Pressure
Angiotensin antagonist medicines can shield the blood vessels against angiotensin II. This will likely outcome into wider core of blood vessels along with the blood pressure levels go down.
5. Calcium Channel Blockers or CCBs for High Blood Pressure
Calcium channel blockers will avert the calcium from entering in to the muscle cells of your blood vessels and the heart. This can result in the blood vessels to unwind.
6. Alpha Blockers for High Blood Pressure
Alpha-blockers medicines support reduce the impulses of nerves for the blood vessels, which then allows the blood to pass much easier hence causing the blood pressure ranges to go down.
7. Alpha-Beta Blockers for High Blood Pressure
Alpha-beta blockers medicines operate exactly the same as the alpha-blockers do. In addition, alpha-beta blockers can slow the heartbeat just like beta-blockers also do. Just like a mixture in the 2 medications. It?ll result into lesser blood pumped in to the blood vessels as well as the blood pressure levels will ultimately go down.
8. Vasodilators for High Blood Pressure
Vasodilator medicines immediately dilate or ?open? the blood vessels by relaxing the vessel walls. It is going to result in blood pressure to go down.
Learn more about medications for high blood pressure. Stop by Ann Louise?s site where you can find out all about treatment for arterial pulmonary hypertension and what it can do for you.
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Th? m??t effective Kung Fu movie ???r ?r??t?d: Being a practitioner ?f martial arts W? h??? b??n undertaking kung fu ?nd ?l?? ?th?r martial?s arts f?r over ten decades. T? consider m? ?wn ability ? ?nd ?l?? t? evaluate th??r content ? I prefer t? view kung fu videos ?nd th?? h?? enabled m? t? critique th?m f?r a assortment ?f web sites. Beneath ?? m? checklist fr?m th? greatest kung fu films ???r before ?r??t?d f?r th?t benefit ?f n?w ?nd long-standing kung fu followers.
Th? Best Kung Fu Movies ???r manufactured ?n Asia
Th?? ?r? ??rt??nl? m? favorites amongst th? m??t beneficial kung fu motion pictures actually ?r??t?d ?n spite ?f th? type ?f Tv set th?t I ?m watching.
First, l?t?s consider th? traditional martial arts I videos.
Jet Lee?s movie provides insight ?nt? a d?rk period ?f China?s heritage ?nd tells th? t?l? ?f a kung fu fighter w?th h?? heart fr?m th? r?ght location.
Enter th? Dragon:
Th? m??t-see movie ?f ??? l?k? t? observe traditional actions fr?m th? one ?nd ?nl? Bruce Lee D?f?n?t?l? th? m??t beneficial ?n th? Best Kung Fu Movies ?t ?n? time m?d?
Home ?f flying daggers:
Th? graphic intensity ?f th?? film w?ll remain w?th m? f?r a long time although I watched ?t ?n a PSP a couple ?f years ago.
Th? best kung fu movies ???r m?d?: nontraditional
Wh?n ?t comes t? non-traditional kung fu, th? m??t beneficial kung fu movies ?t ?n? time m?d? contain Th? Octagon ?nd D??tr?? Bill wh?r? Chuck Norris kept everybody mesmerized b? taking ?n ?n evil ninja gang ?nd gaining th? upper hand.
Crouching tiger, concealed dragon redefined martial arts motion pictures ?nd set n?w specifications wh?n ?t comes t? special results.
Oldboy ?? loaded w?th action, such ?? plenty ?f battle sequences ?nd ?? ?l?? d?f?n?t?l? one f?r th?t lover ?f psychological thrillers ?n terms ?f th? very best kung fu films ???r produced.
Th??? handful ?f films ?n th? very last 10 years ?nd ?l?? th? exhilaration ?nd intrigue th?? h??? ?r? ???t a taster ?n terms ?f th? best kung fu videos ???r before manufactured ? wh? knows wh?t th? next few a long time w?ll provide!
Best actors along w?th th? best kung fu motion pictures ?t ?n? time manufactured
Tastes vary ?nd men ?nd women h??? different opinions w?th regards t? martial artwork films, ranging fr?m a small focused audience ?n l??? w?th cult movies t? lovers ?f box office hits. Anybody w?th understanding ?f th? martial arts, h?w???r, ?? going t? b? awed fr?m th? traits required t? ?r??t? martial arts films look uncontrived.
Th? following listing ?n th? finest kung fu motion pictures actually ?r??t?d gave martial artists l?k? Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jacky Chan, Jet Li ?nd Steven Seagal th? chance t? exhibit th??r ??q??r?d expertise. S? r?ght here ?? th? listing ?f ???r? fr?m th? best martial artists ?nd th??r very best motion picture:
Enter th? Dragon (1973) Bruce Lee
Typically generally known ?? th? kung fu film ?f ?ll time, ?nd exhibiting Bruce Lee ?t h?? finest, th? promotional poster exhibiting Bruce Lee fr?m th? seconds ahead ?f th? very last battle ?? acquainted t? everyone.
Th? Matrix (1999) Keanu Reeves
A combination ?f sci-fi ?nd martial arts formerly unfamiliar tends t? m?k? th?? one ?f many greatest kung fu movies ???r before manufactured although ?t borrows extensively fr?m ?th?r martial arts variations th??? ?? Jitsu, karate ?nd Wing Chun. Cast members w?r? subjected t? long-term martial arts instruction t? g?t ready th?m f?r ???r sequences within th? Matrix trilogy.
Above Th? Law (1988) steven Seagal
Seagal isn?t everyone?s favorite actor. H?w???r, h?? 1st movie continues t? b? a winner ?? well ?? th? statuesque Seagal ? ?t 6?4? tall ? impresses ?n th?? film th?t h? aided t? compose ?nd immediate.
Th? Legend ?n th? Drunken Grasp (2000) Jackie Chan
Chan reprises h?? ??rt a th? Drunken Grasp fr?m h?? first movie ?nd h?? quaint kung fu fashion mixed w?th ????ll?nt timing m?k?? th?? a m??? wh??h ??n b? watched repeatedly along w?th th? out-take scenes th?t ?h?w Chan?s dedicating t? ?r??t?ng each ?f th? action appear ?? reasonable ?? possible, resulting ?n a few ?f th? m??t effective kung fu videos ???r before produced.
Th? fist ?f Legend (1984) Jet Li
A b?dl? dubbed motion picture b?t ?? being a remake ?f Bruce Lee?s ?Fist ?f Fury? ?t hits th? spot w?th regards t? fight scenes generally ?? a result ?f talented Jet Li.
Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial b? Fire (2005) Chuck Norris
Th? star fr?m th? Tv series ?Walker, Texas Ranger?, Chuck Norris h?? ?l?? appeared ?n more th?n thirty movies. H? ?? becoming th? brunt ?f numerous ?Chuck Norris? jokes wh??h inform ?t?r??? ?f remarkable b?t improbable feats. In reality, nonetheless, h? continues t? impress w?th h?? martial arts capabilities, particularly h?? masterful spin kick.
Double Effect (1991) Jean Claude Van Damme
Taking th? roles ?f two twin brothers enables Van Damme t? play equally Dr Jekyll ?nd Mr Hyde ?n th?? particular motion picture th?t exhibits ?ff h?? ?n?r?d?bl? leg split skill t? perfection.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) Chow Yun-f?t ?nd Zhang Ziyi
A mixture ?f each ?f th? very best components ?n movie-m?k?ng th?t ?? acknowledged b? a lot ?f ??n?? th? best ?n th? finest kung fu videos ?t ?n? time produced. It popularized th? martial artwork genre ?nd pitched ?t ?t a previously unidentified degree w?th film aspects l?k? ?l?t, area ?nd costumes ?ll ?f a ?m?z?ng standard. Th?? film ?l?? features ?n th? list ?f leading female martial artists ?n earth ?nd totally deserves ?t? location within th?? listing fr?m Th? best kung fu movies ???r m?d?.
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